Constructors  v/s  Destructors

Constructors v/s Destructors


2 min read


  • A constructor is a member function of a class that is automatically called when object of a class is created.

  • It has same name as that of class name.

  • It has no return type even void.

  • Primary job of Constructor is used to initialize values to different data members of class.

  • It has three types - default , parameterized and copy constructor.

-> Following code snippet is a example of constructor in a class.

class student {

int age;
int rollno;

student() //constructor
void display()
cout<<age<<" "<<rollno;
}; //class ends here

int main() // main function
student s; //object of student is created so student constructor will automatically get invoked
s.display(); // function to display details
return 0;
// code in c++ language


  • A destructor is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor.

  • It has same name as that of class name.

  • ' ~ ' Symbol is used in creating a destructor.

  • It takes no arguments and have no return types.

  • Primary job is to perform a clean up tasks (like closing a file , deallocating and releasing memory area) automatically.

class student {

int age;
int rollno;

student() //constructor

~student() //destructor 
cout<<" Destructor called";

void display()
cout<<age<<" "<<rollno;
}; //class ends here

int main() // main function
student s; //object of student is created so student constructor will automatically get invoked
s.display(); // function to display details
return 0;
// code in c++ language

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