Directory Operations
- pwd -> displays current working directory.
- mkdir -> make a new directory.
- cd directory_name -> move into that directory.
- ls -> list contents of current directory.
- ll -> list contents of current directory with detailed info.
- rm -r directory_name -> remove a directory
File Operations
- touch filename -> creates a empty file.
- ls -l -> list the contents in current directory.
- echo "message" -> to display any message.
- echo "message" > new.txt -> move the message in text file.
- read -> to take input from user.
- read -p "Enter any message" n -> to display and take input from the user.
- nano filename -> to create and open new file.
copy/rename/move operations
- cp A.txt B.txt -> makes a copy of A.txt names it to B.txt in current directory.
- mv testdir newdir -> renames testdir to newdir in current path.